Braids 2012 workshop, Manchester, England

Two-day workshop in November 2017

Update: Super-fun workshop! The returnees dove in and conquered the Katherine Wheele braid, and the newcomers learned more than I had expected to teach! (Sorry no class photos – this substitute photo is from Braids 2012 in Manchester, England)

CNCH 2014 workshop

I’ll be teaching a Loop Braiding workshop at CNCH this spring. For those of you in California, that’s the Conference of Northern California Handweavers. CNCH isn’t only for weavers—aside from weaving classes there are always great workshops in a wide range of other topics — dyeing, braiding, basketry, spinning, knitting…and a Market Hall with venders,…

7 different 3-loop braids, various shapes and color patterns. finger loop braids by

Free pdf download now works!

Update on my earlier tutorial on the super-easy, fun, and kid-friendly 3-loop braid: The free pdf download now works!!! I finally figured out how to insert a direct link so you can download the 3-loop pdf tutorial straight from this blog instead of from Scribd (copyright restrictions still apply, see end of document). For a…

17th Century alphabet braid, letter braid, original variation by Ingrid Crickmore (18 loops rather than traditional braid's 14 loops) , finger loop braiding, loop manipulation

A couple braids and a poll…

A few links to new info …and a poll! Short and easy—scroll down my sidebar to see it →. I’m trying to get an idea for which way this blog should be heading. [update – Thanks everybody who filled in the poll! It gave me more incentive and a lot of ideas. Poll results here.]…

Aside and apology

I am so sorry about this– twice now I’ve hit “publish” instead of “save draft” on a new post I’m working on. If you are a subscriber to this blog, please accept my apologies for getting two invalid notices about it. A real post is in the works but wont be ready for a while.…

Braids 2012, part 1

Loop braiding highlights at the conference: Two different 2-day loop braiding workshops, plus a report from Mari Omura on loop braiding archeological evidence in Asia going back thousands of years B.C! Joy Boutrup’s 1st day of class included several unusual European loop braids that she has discovered through analyzing museum specimens—braids that are not known from any of the 15th or 17th C. loop braiding manuscripts…

Kute-uchi braids, 16-36 loops

Genji-uchi, & new link

Just a note to say that I’ve added text instructions for the Genji-Uchi braid to last year’s Kute-Uchi tutorial. I also want to plug Cindy Myer’s pages on Medieval fingerloop braids — this is an incredible resource! She’s analyzed the braid instructions of 3 different source manuscripts, and made beautiful reproductions of almost all of them. These are displayed in a chart with links to her very clear text instructions for each braid…


Tomorrow, Wed the 18th, I will be supporting the (U.S.) internet blackout in protest of the two U.S. internet censorship bills SOPA and PIPA. So my site will essentially have a big protest sign draped over it for a day (this will be until midnight EST, I decided to follow the timeline Wikipedia is using…

Loop braiding workshop

I’ll be teaching a 2-day loop braiding workshop the last weekend of January, and there is room for a few more participants.  It’ll be in the San Francisco bay area (Redwood City), email me if you are interested, and I’ll send you more info about it. UPDATE: The workshop is full now. There’s been enough…

New ‘Tutorials’ page

I just made a new info page for this blog (called Tutorials).  It’s an index to  all my tutorials, with a description and link to each one.  It can be accessed from the bold menu links at the top of every page, and also from a link in the sidebar, under “Loop Braiding Blog Map.”

Two 7-loop Spanish samplers, one 14-loop braid sampler,

Videos for the 7-loop ‘half-letterbraid’

This post is just to say that I have added videos to my Jan. 2011 tutorial on the so-called “Spanish” braid of 7 loops that is the base braid for the 14-loop letterbraid: The methods for this and two other 17th Century letter braids were recently decoded  by Joy Boutrup, extending Noémi Speiser’s earlier research…


Sep 30, 2011 I now (finally) have videos for all three of my square braid tutorials. The introductory level (5- loop braids) tutorial has 4 videos—2 on the square braid and 2 on making a flat, wide variation with a loop/ buttonhole at each end. I made the first two at a super-slow-mo speed that…

Rainbow Girl

A ‘Plain Oblique Twined’ braid — usually abbreviated as POT by ply-split braiders. This kind of twining can also be done with loop braiding. I love this braid, and got to use it as part of a Braid Society Swap because of its unplanned resemblance to a Navajo sand painting figure… (not a tutorial)